Monday, September 26, 2011

More Catching Up On Life...

On August 28th, we got Justus dedicated at church. We wanted to give him back to the Lord, and make a public statement that we are going to do our best to raise him in a Godly home. Poor Nick woke up that morning with a migraine, but with lots of prayers, he didn't barf on stage and he ended up feeling better!  Most of our friends and family came out to support us! Thank you all, and we will continue to need your prayers in raising Justus! It was a crazy-busy time and unfortunately we hardly got any pictures, here are just a couple...

We took Justus on his 2nd camping trip to Boulder Basin labor day weekend. It was hard but fun. Justus had a TERRIBLE time sleeping 2 of the nights.  He would wake up and scream and would only calm down if I fed him.  Nick decided to make a new "tent pad" further into our camp site, in hopes Justus wouldn't be so loud for the other campers, and for extra privacy.  After a few hours of work...moving logs, digging and evening out the terrain, we were ready for our move. We moved our tent, and the 3rd night, Justus slept amazing. He only woke up once, but then we were woken up by rain @ like 5:00am! We were worried that because Nick moved all this fresh dirt, we would end up in a mud slide. :) We got up, checked things out, cleaned up our site so our things wouldn't get ruined in the rain, and tried to go back to sleep. We couldn't fall back asleep so we ended up just packing up. :) We still had fun though...we went hiking, played some canasta (Nick beat me both times), played smashball, ate s'mores, and relaxed! Nick even took Justus out hiking and let me snag a nap! Oh so wonderful! Justus is kind of at a hard age for camping, he's not quite old enough to walk around and enjoy things, but he wants everything and wants to be mobile.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Happy 8 Months My Little Man!

Justus Michael...
You are 8 months old today, September 12th 2011!
 Because I am lame and posted your last month's birthday so late, you haven't really been up to anything different, but here are some things...

-You have been eating carrots pretty good :)
-You have been sleeping better since we started giving you a bottle before bedtime
-You are figuring out how to get yourself around, by rolling and twisting
-You lunge forward for things
-You love chewing on paper
-You know when we are playing games with you
-You Love anticipation games

Justus, Your little personality is coming out more and more and you are so so much fun! I can't believe how fast time is going! I love you more than you'll know!!!! :)