Monday, November 21, 2011

Justus Michael...10 Months Old...Already!

Here we are again...already another month has gone by! Justus, you are a big huge 10 months and 8 days old!  I'm sorry, but you keep me pretty busy, and I keep getting  a bit behind on this blog! :)
Here is what your little self is up to...

~You wave "Hi" and "Bye!" You did this for the first time on October 27th at Gami's when I was leaving for work! So sweet! (Nope you don't cry when I leave...You LOVE the Goltry Farm!)
~You clap your hands
~GiGi (Great Grandma Goltry) Taught you "Pat-a-Cake" and you have your own little "Roll it up" Adorable!
~You love Grandpa's dear head in his office!...You always crawl down that hall sit in the office and stare at the dear until Gami picks you up to look and touch it. Future Hunter?...
~You know how to make baskets with your little basketball and hoop
~You got your second tooth on November 17th (your bottom left) This one came with a fever and runny nose! :( So sad and hard to see you not feeling good!
~You love showering with Daddy
~You love going on walks and visiting the dogs a few houses down
~You still have your Cute little "Fake" laugh!
~You make your little lips into a circle and put your hand out when you want to touch something
~You are starting to understand "Kisses" more
~I think you are catching on to "All done"
~You always want to have something in your, socks, toys, laundry...Anything!
~You definitely keep me on my toes! 

You are so much fun and bring us so many smiles! Thank you for who you are! We love you!


Shootin' Hoops! 
(Ignore My Annoying voice in these last two!)

Fake Laugh!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Oak Glen Petting Zoo and The Pumpkin Patch...

Last weekend was busy! We took Justus up to Oak Glen to visit his first "petting zoo." The Goltry Grandparents met us up there and we walked all around and saw all the dirty farm animals! :) Justus loved it! Then we headed down to the pumpkin patch in Mentone where "Gami Tami's" friends all meet up each year with all the grand kids.  There was more animals there, as well as a big hedge maze, and a hay ride! After that...we had some yummy pizza! Justus loved it all! He loves being outside so much! Here's some pics...ok...well, lots of pics! :)

This guys "underbite" made me giggle! :)

Whoops! Daddy sat in some dung! :)

Daddy being silly

Justus loves his "Gami"

My favorite two boys!

Justus...your first "Fall" was a blast! We love you!