Thursday, December 15, 2011

Justus 11 at Months!

Here we are in December and you are 11 months old! Can't even believe it!

Here is what you've been up to lately...

-You are definitely getting your own little personality!
-You can be a little copy-cat! If I cough, you fake cute
-Just today, you have started this "come here" looking hand funny
-You HATE your diaper being changed! It has become a nightmare to change you, you flip over and try to get away! Make things really difficult when there is some nastiness in there!
-You are quite a handful. If I'm not careful, you make it places quick...garage, stairs, etc.
-You seem to need my Undivided attention 24/7. If I am working in the kitchen, and not paying attention to you, you know right where to go...the stairs! Haven't got a baby gate yet, so you go right to the stairs and stare at me 'cause you know I'll come get you!  Stinker
-You like the dishwasher
-You love chewing on large carrots
-You also like onions from our garden...Daddy is to thank for that!
-You have been eating more "big people" food, mostly fruits and veggies in chunks, but you are very finicky!
-You love Gami's homemade wheat bread! You'll shove so much in your mouth at one time that you'll choke!
-You love testing your boundaries of what you can and can't touch
-You like intricate things
-You can make a "doggy sound"...adorable
-You give the best kisses
-You have been doing a funny "Darth Vader" noise
-You do a "wiggle"
-You can throw a pretty ridiculous tantrum
-You've started throwing things, and you've got a mean arm
-You STILL wake up at least twice a night! Although last night only once!!! Thank you for that!
-Oh, I've been putting saline in your nose to keep you from getting sick. Only after a couple times, you took the can, put the tip in your nose and sniffed!!!! LOL!
-I've tried hiding a Christmas present from you in a couple different places, but you keep finding it and trying to play with it. You've even crawled into and onto boxes that were blocking it! I also caught you trying to take the blanket off of it! :) Silly Smart Boy!
-You LOVE LOVE being outside!!!
-You can show me your nose!
-You say "All Done" by waving your hands so good!!!

Justus, you make me Crazy, but you make me Crazy happy too! We love you, and are looking forward to celebrating Jesus' Birthday with you!!!