Saturday, February 18, 2012

Justus...You are always just blowing us away!!!

Here is what you have been up to at 13 months old...
~You snap your little fingers (doesn't make any noise, but you got the motion down!)
~You know your where your tummy and eyes are
~You love playing "chase"
~You go up and down the stairs with ease (you know to turn yourself around and go down backwards on your tummy)
~You are currently working up "walking" up the stairs
~You are walking all over the place
~On Feb. 4th, You stood up all by yourself out in the yard without using anything to pull up on :)
~You dance and clap and get so excited with music
~You love love "praising Jesus" with your worship DVDs
~You say "Mama" now when I ask you. Oh it's the sweetest sound!!!!
~You know what a lizard and monkey do
~You sign "book"
~You love quinoa, beans, and veggies
~You know how to get off furniture
~You know how to kick balls
~You almost can say "Uh Oh." You've got the "Uh" part down.
~You have 6 teeth

You are such a blessing to watch grow and learn. You crave learning and are such a little sponge! We pray you will always love to lift your hands to Praise Jesus and grow to love Him with all your heart!

All Photos by Diane Loveless Photography (Taken Late Jan. 2012)