Friday, September 7, 2012

Happy 18 Months Justus Michael!!!

I'm always saying this, but what the heck!!!! Where is time going???
I've had this post sitting for almost 2 months now...I guess its time to post it, then turn around and update some more! I'm so lame!!! :(

You are such a blessing to us and Our love for you grows every single day! We love coming into your room after you have fallen asleep, just to look at you! Sometimes we even fight over who gets to come get you out of your crib! You have the cutest little expressions, and your personality is coming out more and more! You are such a sweetheart, yet can also be a little stinker! Sometimes I (Mama) laugh, when I am supposed to be disciplining you, 'cause you are just so darn cute...and smart! Here are some things I want to remember of you at 18 months old...

-You are obsessed with things that go "round and round" you find everything! You point at it, then make a circle with your finger and say "roun and roun"
-You say "up"  "down"  "yeah"  "no"  "GiGi"  "K"  "wawa"  "Mama"  "Dada"  "BaPa" "bee bee" (beep beep),   "be" (please),  "mo"  "Ba" (Ball), "Ca" (car), "Ke" (keys)
-When I spell your name with you, I have you say the letters and you do pretty darn good!
-You love love love the Giggle Bellies "Wheels on the Bus" you tube video! You always point at the computer, wave both arms, and say "bat bat"...took me a while, but realized it was that silly video you want to watch. You do "roun and roun" when they sing about the wheels, squeeze your nose for the beep of the horn, wave your hand back and forth for the wipers swishing, and blink your eyes for the signals.
-You love your daddy! When he is gone at work you ask for him, then when you hear the garage open, you say "Dada" and get excited!
-You love fruit!!! You've never met a fruit you didn't like! You love going around the garden and picking berries, and tomatoes...even if they aren't ripe yet!
-You weigh about 22 lbs, and are 33 in. tall
-You sleep through the night wonderfully! Usually you go down between 7:30 and 8pm, and usually sleep until 6am or 7am...sometimes 7:30! :)
-Dad has taught you to do sit ups and mom taught you bicycle with your legs and are stinkin' cute when you do them!!! Hopefully you will love physical activity like your Daddy!
-You love basket ball!!!!
-You like anything like buttons, and latches, you love trying to figure stuff out
-You love playing in the car, you ask for the keys and try to put them in the ignition, and you play with all the buttons, wipers, etc.