Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Adrielle Birth Story (Nov. 1st 2012)

Although both of my labors haven't been the most exciting...I wanted to blog to remember!!! :) Nick always had high hopes of getting the.. "I'm in labor, get home" call, racing to the hospital at 90 miles an hour, full of adrenaline, and having some crazy birth story! Sorry Hubby, it hasn't happened yet! ;)

Halloween night, we took Justus, our little pirate, to the hallelujah party at the Packinghouse (He looked so stinking cute), and we had a great time. We came home,  put Justus to bed, and I can't remember if we went to bed too or were just hanging out. Anyway, at 11pm, I told Nick, "We are going to have a baby tomorrow." I always knew she was going to be early, but never imagined 2 weeks early! Nick: "Are you sure?" Me: "Pretty sure" :)
I woke up at 12:30am and was having contractions 5-7 min. apart...what do I do? Shower of course! lol!!!  If I am going to the hospital and have a chance to shower and put on make up, you bet I will! Even at midnight! :) I told Nick to call his mom so she could watch Justus. At this point Nick says..."Ambee, are you sure?" Me: "Um, do I normally shower and put on makeup in the middle of the night?" So Nick called Tami and packed up the car.
I wasn't in much pain, so I figured maybe I was wrong. We laid back down and tried to watch some birthing videos to refresh our brains on this whole "labor thing" :) Contractions slowed, and I think I was able to doze off and on for a bit.
We got up at 7am, made pancakes, walked and waited for progress. I still didn't feel like I was in true labor, partly because contractions were so random and it didn't hurt too bad. I was scheduled for a doctors appointment in the afternoon, but called and moved it up to 10am. At 9:30 we gave Justus a sad hug and kiss goodbye, knowing it was probably going to be the last time with just the 3 of us.
We got to my appointment at 10am, and Dr. Smith confirmed I was dilated to a 5 or 6, 100% effaced, and to quickly go to the hospital. What? Wahoo! I wasn't crazy, I really was in labor!
At 11am we got all checked in to the hospital, had 2 great nurses. The nurses confirmed dilation/effacement. One nurse in training had to stab me 3 times for an IV, that was a bit annoying while I was having contractions, but I felt bad for her... I told her "It's ok, that pain is just helping me take my mind off the other pain!" lol :)
Earlier in my pregnancy, my sweet photographer and best friend, Diane, talked me into letting her capture Adrielle's birth. Wasn't sure how I felt about it, but I remembered not having any really fresh pictures of Justus. I agreed, and I am so glad I did! :) I wasn't sure she was going to make it in time, but she did!
I was stuck at a 7 for an hour (seemed like forever!!!) I was so bored! I was sick of being in bed too, so I got up within my little monitors range and walked a bit. Contractions got stronger and more regular, so I laid back down. Water broke, time to push. Dr. came in and in 3 sets of pushes, my sweet Adrielle was here. :) She was beautiful!!! She was 6lbs 2oz and just perfect!
I am sooo BLESSED to have good pregnancies and smooth births. I am also sooo BLESSED to have an amazing Husband and a sweet friend to keep me company while I was in labor!

Adrielle Rose,
Welcome to your new home! We love you, thank God for you, and pray we can be the best parents to you! XOXOXOX

Thank you Diane Loveless Photography for capturing these sweet moments...