Thursday, December 15, 2011

Justus 11 at Months!

Here we are in December and you are 11 months old! Can't even believe it!

Here is what you've been up to lately...

-You are definitely getting your own little personality!
-You can be a little copy-cat! If I cough, you fake cute
-Just today, you have started this "come here" looking hand funny
-You HATE your diaper being changed! It has become a nightmare to change you, you flip over and try to get away! Make things really difficult when there is some nastiness in there!
-You are quite a handful. If I'm not careful, you make it places quick...garage, stairs, etc.
-You seem to need my Undivided attention 24/7. If I am working in the kitchen, and not paying attention to you, you know right where to go...the stairs! Haven't got a baby gate yet, so you go right to the stairs and stare at me 'cause you know I'll come get you!  Stinker
-You like the dishwasher
-You love chewing on large carrots
-You also like onions from our garden...Daddy is to thank for that!
-You have been eating more "big people" food, mostly fruits and veggies in chunks, but you are very finicky!
-You love Gami's homemade wheat bread! You'll shove so much in your mouth at one time that you'll choke!
-You love testing your boundaries of what you can and can't touch
-You like intricate things
-You can make a "doggy sound"...adorable
-You give the best kisses
-You have been doing a funny "Darth Vader" noise
-You do a "wiggle"
-You can throw a pretty ridiculous tantrum
-You've started throwing things, and you've got a mean arm
-You STILL wake up at least twice a night! Although last night only once!!! Thank you for that!
-Oh, I've been putting saline in your nose to keep you from getting sick. Only after a couple times, you took the can, put the tip in your nose and sniffed!!!! LOL!
-I've tried hiding a Christmas present from you in a couple different places, but you keep finding it and trying to play with it. You've even crawled into and onto boxes that were blocking it! I also caught you trying to take the blanket off of it! :) Silly Smart Boy!
-You LOVE LOVE being outside!!!
-You can show me your nose!
-You say "All Done" by waving your hands so good!!!

Justus, you make me Crazy, but you make me Crazy happy too! We love you, and are looking forward to celebrating Jesus' Birthday with you!!!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Justus Michael...10 Months Old...Already!

Here we are again...already another month has gone by! Justus, you are a big huge 10 months and 8 days old!  I'm sorry, but you keep me pretty busy, and I keep getting  a bit behind on this blog! :)
Here is what your little self is up to...

~You wave "Hi" and "Bye!" You did this for the first time on October 27th at Gami's when I was leaving for work! So sweet! (Nope you don't cry when I leave...You LOVE the Goltry Farm!)
~You clap your hands
~GiGi (Great Grandma Goltry) Taught you "Pat-a-Cake" and you have your own little "Roll it up" Adorable!
~You love Grandpa's dear head in his office!...You always crawl down that hall sit in the office and stare at the dear until Gami picks you up to look and touch it. Future Hunter?...
~You know how to make baskets with your little basketball and hoop
~You got your second tooth on November 17th (your bottom left) This one came with a fever and runny nose! :( So sad and hard to see you not feeling good!
~You love showering with Daddy
~You love going on walks and visiting the dogs a few houses down
~You still have your Cute little "Fake" laugh!
~You make your little lips into a circle and put your hand out when you want to touch something
~You are starting to understand "Kisses" more
~I think you are catching on to "All done"
~You always want to have something in your, socks, toys, laundry...Anything!
~You definitely keep me on my toes! 

You are so much fun and bring us so many smiles! Thank you for who you are! We love you!


Shootin' Hoops! 
(Ignore My Annoying voice in these last two!)

Fake Laugh!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Oak Glen Petting Zoo and The Pumpkin Patch...

Last weekend was busy! We took Justus up to Oak Glen to visit his first "petting zoo." The Goltry Grandparents met us up there and we walked all around and saw all the dirty farm animals! :) Justus loved it! Then we headed down to the pumpkin patch in Mentone where "Gami Tami's" friends all meet up each year with all the grand kids.  There was more animals there, as well as a big hedge maze, and a hay ride! After that...we had some yummy pizza! Justus loved it all! He loves being outside so much! Here's some pics...ok...well, lots of pics! :)

This guys "underbite" made me giggle! :)

Whoops! Daddy sat in some dung! :)

Daddy being silly

Justus loves his "Gami"

My favorite two boys!

Justus...your first "Fall" was a blast! We love you!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Goltry Life...

I can't even believe how fast time goes by now. The days are a blur, the weeks come and go like nothin', and the months fly by...I can barely take it all in!  They say time flies when you are having life seems to be a I guess I'm having a blast. :) I get to hang out with my sweet boy 6 days a week, and only work one day.  The day I work, Justus gets to go spend time at the "Goltry Farm!" He loves it! He gets so much love and attention over there.  We LOVE when dad gets home...I get a little break, and Justus gets tons of fun and energy from him! :)  The kid is totally mobile and wants to learn and get into EVERYTHING...I can hardly keep up!  He pulls himself up and cruises around coffee tables and along the couch.  He loves when you crawl around with him and play chase. :)  He cut his first tooth on October 22nd...the front bottom right.  These have been some of the roughest nights, but at the same amazing! Everything is just happening so fast...He is turning in to a little boy so quickly! 
Lord, help me to breathe and enjoy every moment! :) have some pretty big shoes to fill...your daddy is a STUD! :)

A couple weeks ago, our sprinklers needed a little fixin'...I went outside and found this...
It was a "Dirty Day!"

Yes...Nick was letting Justus chew on an onion!

Justus learning sprinkler work from the master!

He loved the dirt so so much!

Loved it so so much...he had to try some! :)
Yes...I was having anxiety out

It was time to clean up...and Justus was bummed!

Love Love his sweet smiles!

Dad made a fire in the back yard...Justus was mesmerized

When the kid went to sleep, Nick & I  watched "The Office" out by the fire... Amazing!

More Fun Fall Pics...