Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Goltry Life...

I can't even believe how fast time goes by now. The days are a blur, the weeks come and go like nothin', and the months fly by...I can barely take it all in!  They say time flies when you are having life seems to be a I guess I'm having a blast. :) I get to hang out with my sweet boy 6 days a week, and only work one day.  The day I work, Justus gets to go spend time at the "Goltry Farm!" He loves it! He gets so much love and attention over there.  We LOVE when dad gets home...I get a little break, and Justus gets tons of fun and energy from him! :)  The kid is totally mobile and wants to learn and get into EVERYTHING...I can hardly keep up!  He pulls himself up and cruises around coffee tables and along the couch.  He loves when you crawl around with him and play chase. :)  He cut his first tooth on October 22nd...the front bottom right.  These have been some of the roughest nights, but at the same amazing! Everything is just happening so fast...He is turning in to a little boy so quickly! 
Lord, help me to breathe and enjoy every moment! :) have some pretty big shoes to fill...your daddy is a STUD! :)

A couple weeks ago, our sprinklers needed a little fixin'...I went outside and found this...
It was a "Dirty Day!"

Yes...Nick was letting Justus chew on an onion!

Justus learning sprinkler work from the master!

He loved the dirt so so much!

Loved it so so much...he had to try some! :)
Yes...I was having anxiety out

It was time to clean up...and Justus was bummed!

Love Love his sweet smiles!

Dad made a fire in the back yard...Justus was mesmerized

When the kid went to sleep, Nick & I  watched "The Office" out by the fire... Amazing!

More Fun Fall Pics...

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