Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Off to Grandma and Grandpa's we go part 2! :)

We had another amazing trip to Arizona last week and Justus did great!  We went out on a boat,  and anchored in a cove for a few hours. We swam around and just hung out with the fam and some friends. Justus went swimming, and got a nice nap.  Justus & I got to hang out and go shopping with grandma (so fun) while the boys went out on a 12 hour ride!  Then of course I had to get my riding fix, so on sunday, grandma Grib watched the kid, & I went out with the boys for a couple hours. Had a fun, technical ride!..Loved it! It was nice to spend some time with my hubby! Grandpa played the guitar and sang while Justus just watched and listened (so cute!)  We ate some good grub, relaxed, played, and had a blast! Justus loved seeing Grandma & Grandpa Grib, and his Graunt  and Gruncle (Vicky & Ronnie) :)  Plan on going out again in a couple of weeks!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Justus, What The Heck?...You Are Six Months Old...

You are actually 6 months and 8 days old (I'm a bit late) I cannot even believe you have been a part of our lives for 6 months already! Crazy! We love you so much and are so so blessed by you! Your little personality is coming out more and more, and you are such a joy to us!  Here is what you have been up to:

You are pretty good at sitting up all by yourself now
You have found your feet and like sticking your toes in your mouth
You have conversations with your monkey when you wake up from your naps
You roll over from your tummy to your back (to your left) with ease! Can't quite get the right side yet!
You put everything in your mouth
You are a lot more vocal
You have a way of telling me when you are "over" something :)
You have a TEMPER!
You scream and push my hand away when you do not want your pa & monkey for nap time
You try to get out of taking naps by spitting out your pa, smiling,  and kicking with excitement (so stinkin' cute! )

Here's what your cute self looks like at 6 months:

Thank you Diane Loveless Photography!