Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Adrielles 1st Birthday Party

Poor little Adrielle went to bed the night before her birthday party with a fever. :( We went ahead and let everyone know and just had the party anyway. My parents were already out and she didn't show another real signs of being sick, so we just went for it. Understandably, several people weren't able to make it, but we still had fun. :) Adrielle slept through a lot of the party, while Justus and some of the kids (and adults) had fun in the bounce house. :) I love fall and apple season, so of course we had to do an "apple themed" party…complete with homemade soup, apple cider, apples and carmel dip,  apples, apples, and more apples. :)

Bapa playing with the birthday girl while we were getting things ready

Bounce house fun

Baked Apple with cinnamon (she looks stoked! lol)

Sorry you didn't feel good baby girl…you still looked adorable!!! Maybe next year you can party hardy! ;) xoxoxoxo

Adirelle Rose 1 Year Photos (Diane Loveless Photography)

Diane…Thank you for your steady and un-waivering friendship, AND for always taking beautiful pictures of my family!!! WE LOVE YOU!

Adrielle Rose at 1 Year

Sweet little Adrielle...where do I begin?
I often feel guilty as a Momma that I can't spend as much time with you and devote as much attention to you as I did your brother at your age. It hurts my heart, but I guess it's something I just need to get over and understand multiple children is a different story and you, sweet girl, are going to learn and grow all in God's perfect timing! :) Adrielle, you make my heart smile and are such a joy and blessing in my life!!!
At 1 year old:
~You weigh 16.5 lbs and are 27 inches tall
~You have 6 teeth
~ You LOVE LOVE food!!! You'll eat pureed kale, but not avocado...Weirdo!
~ You make constant noise when you eat
~ You give kisses…you gave your first kiss to your daddy on 10/2
~ You love when I run around holding you chasing brother
~ You Love your brother Justus
~ You love music and like to dance to Needtobreathe and Keith Green
~ You know where your head is
~ You do this cute little wiggle thing, and you actually do it when I ask
~ You wave hi and bye bye
~ You clap your hands
~ You raise your hands up in the air when we ask "How big is Adrielle?"
~ You love clicking your tongue and you think you are so big when you do it
~ You have the cutest, biggest gap in your two front top teeth

Thank you baby girl for all your sweet smiles, I pray that you grow up to love Jesus, and bring Joy to many people's lives!!!

On your birthday, we took you up to Oak Glen for a little hike and some apples. Then we went to the pumpkin patch where Justus had a blast in all the bounce houses and slides.  Here are some pictures…