Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Adrielle Rose at 1 Year

Sweet little Adrielle...where do I begin?
I often feel guilty as a Momma that I can't spend as much time with you and devote as much attention to you as I did your brother at your age. It hurts my heart, but I guess it's something I just need to get over and understand multiple children is a different story and you, sweet girl, are going to learn and grow all in God's perfect timing! :) Adrielle, you make my heart smile and are such a joy and blessing in my life!!!
At 1 year old:
~You weigh 16.5 lbs and are 27 inches tall
~You have 6 teeth
~ You LOVE LOVE food!!! You'll eat pureed kale, but not avocado...Weirdo!
~ You make constant noise when you eat
~ You give kisses…you gave your first kiss to your daddy on 10/2
~ You love when I run around holding you chasing brother
~ You Love your brother Justus
~ You love music and like to dance to Needtobreathe and Keith Green
~ You know where your head is
~ You do this cute little wiggle thing, and you actually do it when I ask
~ You wave hi and bye bye
~ You clap your hands
~ You raise your hands up in the air when we ask "How big is Adrielle?"
~ You love clicking your tongue and you think you are so big when you do it
~ You have the cutest, biggest gap in your two front top teeth

Thank you baby girl for all your sweet smiles, I pray that you grow up to love Jesus, and bring Joy to many people's lives!!!

On your birthday, we took you up to Oak Glen for a little hike and some apples. Then we went to the pumpkin patch where Justus had a blast in all the bounce houses and slides.  Here are some pictures…

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