Friday, April 22, 2011

More Catching Up On Life...

So in the 7 years we had been married, we hadn't yet gone anywhere "tropical" together. We went up the CA coast for our honeymoon, and most vacations we went up to Central Oregon to see my family. We love Oregon and all the hiking, rivers, and waterfalls, but I wanted to go somewhere WARM with white sandy beaches. :) We figured with a baby on the way, we may never get the chance again... so we decided to go to Kauai! :) On the way over we grabbed a pamphlet of Kauai, and saw so many things we wanted to do. Some of which I couldn't (being preggo and all) but when we landed, we hit the ground running (Literally)! We wanted to do and see everything! We would get up early and stay out late trying to soak it all in. Was it relaxing? No... but extremely fun! :) We swam, snorkeled, hiked, kayaked, and laid out on many beaches. We went to a Russian fort, a coffee plant, and a botanical garden. Nick jumped off rocks and rope swings, and we set out to find some sweet hidden local spots...and that we did! Oh, and not to forget the Hawaiian shaved ice with pistachio ice cream and Kauai Pasta! UH-MAZING! So so glad we went!

Yes, that little person you can barely see in this pic is my husband...breaking all the rules and hiking where signs clearly said..."Danger Don't Go Beyond This Point" :)

Getting ready to Hike along the Napali Coast

Two miles in, we hiked down to this beautiful beach

After this beach, we hiked another two miles to a huge beautiful waterfall and went swimming there! Total hike was 8 miles...not bad for a preggo! :)

Kayaking is an amazing arm work out and test of your marriage!

Is it illegal to salute another countries flag? Oh well.. just being proud of my heritage is all! :)

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