Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Our "Faith Building" Baby Story...To God Be The Glory!

In August of 2008 we decided it was time to start a family. Timing was perfect.... By the time we had the baby, Nick would be done with his masters program and would be receiving his degree, he would also be tenured at his school in Beaumont. We would get pregnant in August, tell everyone at Christmas, and have the baby sometime in June! I wouldn't go through the summer pregnant...we had it all figured out! :) But...God had a different plan for us...
After a little more than a year of "trying" we decided it was time to get things checked out by a doctor. We charted for several months, we also took some tests, and still no baby. In march 2010, the doctors considered us infertile and said we would need help getting pregnant; either through AI or in vitro. We checked into these processes and were overwhelmed with the decision and didn't have a peace about it. A while before this, we were presented with the opportunity to go to Haiti with our church. We decided to put these baby decisions on hold and serve together in Haiti. We stopped "trying." In the midst of all this, I kept telling myself that if God wants us to have kids...He could make it happen, despite what the Doctors said. But did I really believe it? Not Sure.
Later that month (March) we went to our Wednesday night bible study. We were busy and didn't feel like going, but we did. They had a guest speaker there who was sharing about some ministry opportunities. At the end, he asked if he could pray over each of us. Honestly, I was a bit sketched out. We did not know this man, but he told us that I have the gift of discernment and Nick that has the gift of teaching (which he does). He also told us that he saw kids in our future. (We only had told a few close friends about our trouble with conceiving) He gave us the verse Psalm 37:4. How Crazy!
We went home tripped out, excited, and unsure. We prayed together, and thought...well we'll see if this guy is legit. On with life we went, helping with college group, preparing for Haiti, ect. We still were not "trying."
May 14th 2010 we were getting ready to go camping in Dark Canyon (our camp spot as kids). Nick says..."I think you are pregnant, you should take a test." He was always Mr. positive. He was wishing me happy mothers day that year, just messing around. :) Anyway I was like "no I'm not" He said "No really you should take a test" I did...and not 1 pink line but 2 showed up! What the Heck? I took another one...same result! :) We went camping and had a blast. We were excited, but tried not to get our hopes up. On May 19th my blood work was confirmed that I was preggo! Wow! God is Amazing! He had to take us completely out of the picture to do his thing. We still have no idea when it happened, and I know He wanted it that way to build our faith and so that He would get all the Glory!


Psa 37:4Delight yourself also in the LORD, And He shall give you the desires of your heart.


  1. Your story and lives are a continued blessing and a reminder of all God can do if we fully surrender to Him. We love the miracle that God has given you in Justus! He is a special boy in so many ways! We love you and are so glad God id give you those desires of your heart! Praise and glory to HIM!
