Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Breezin' Thru Beaumont 5k

So, a little over a month ago, I decided that I wanted to run in a 5k.  My overly excited and competitive hubby signed him and I up along with 45-50 of his middle school students.  This weekend crept up on me quickly, and I didn't get as many practice runs in as I had hoped! :) The race was this Saturday, and thanks to some sweet tunes on my ipod and some good ol' adrenaline... I finished! And I even knocked about 9 min. off of my practice run! :) Nick and Justus were one of the top ten finishers and, in my book, were #1 for "the best looking men" out there! I had a blast, and I'm so glad I did it! I was also blessed to run with some of my best friends...which made it all the more fun! 

Thank you Tom and Leslie for all the pics!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Fun In The Sun!

A couple weekends ago Justus and I enjoyed the beautiful weather while Dad planted our garden! 
Love weekends like this!!! :)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My First Mother's Day

My first Mother's Day was... mostly great...everything except for...well...my sweet son! :) Nick took me to my favorite breakfast place, Mimi's, before church. After church we went to the Spaghetti Factory for lunch with the Goltry Clan. Then off to the Goltry's we went for some sweet fellowship and relaxation. Poor Justus on the other hand was disturbed during his morning nap, and he never quite recovered. He was pretty grouchy the whole day! :( Can't mess with that guys nap! The same thing happened on Easter.  Hopefully soon he will be a bit more flexible! :) Nick did manage to get a couple "Mother's Day" pics...

Justus Michael...you are growing up too fast!!!!

Today you are 4 months and 12 days old
You weigh 15 lbs 7 oz and are 27 in long

Your first smile was February 14th
Your first "cooing" was February 27th
Your first belly laugh was April 2nd
Your first bat at your toys was Good Friday, April 22nd

You give us lots of smiles (still not too smiley with strangers)
You've gone from coo's, to soft little sounds, to spitting bubbles, to little screams of excitement and anger!
You hold your head up really good
You are still pretty stinkin' selfish with your laughs! You laugh best when mom and dad are both around! You make us work pretty hard for those laughs sometimes! :)
Your hand coordination is really good now...you pull on your toys, bring everything to your mouth, pull my hair, and suck on you thumb and index finger (wierd!)
You LOVE being naked! As soon as I start to put your clothes on...you cry!
You Love your "Kick! Boom!" game with dad
You Love sleeping on your tummy! Can't wait until you start rolling over so you can sleep on your tummy at night!
You usually only wake up once to feed at night...although lately it's been more. Not sure whats up with that!
You just recently started tolerating "tummy time"
Your "Pa" and your monkey are your best friends for sleeping, going on jogs, and car rides.

I love you so so much and it's amazing to watch you grow...time just needs to slow down a bit! :)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Off to Grandma and Grandpa's we go!

So in march, we decided to take our first road trip with Justus!  We went out to AZ to see my mom and dad. Justus did so so good. :) Only had to stop once to feed him his lunch and he only got a little bit fussy once...nothing his pacifier and monkey couldn't cure! :) So glad we went and glad my parents got to see this growing boy! Lord willing, we will do a couple more of these trips this summer!