Friday, May 6, 2011

Ok...on to the good stuff...

Justus Michael's Birthday

I started feeling "different" about 2 in the morning on January 12th. I woke up and wasn't sure what was different or exactly what I was feeling. With a little anxiety, I went down stairs, ate some cereal, read my bible, and prayed. After I was done, I went back upstairs and tried to go back to sleep. My hubby was sick, and being the sweetness that he is, he desperately didn't want to get me sick. So... he was sleeping out in our loft. Sleep was just not working for me, so I decided to wake up Nick. I told him I thought maybe I was having contractions, but wasn't sure. I would shout to him when a contraction would start, and he would help me time, and keep track of them from the other room. :) It was pretty funny. I got tired of being separated, so I went out to the loft and we watched some "Office." We had some good laughs. Six O' clock came pretty quick, and because I wasn't really sure what was going on, we both contemplated going to work. But we decided against it. (Good call by us! :) ) We went for some walks and tried to watch Avitar, but the contractions were getting painful, and the movie was annoying me. Off it went! Around 11 O' clock I decided we should head out to the hospital. After a bit, we were off. We checked into the hospital about ll:45 am, and they confirmed I was in labor! On January 12, 2011 at 2:53 pm, our sweet little miracle, Justus Michael was born! :) Everything went so fast and was such a blur! With a champ "coach," friends praying, and some sweet breathing...I was blessed to deliver smoothly with no meds! :) He was 7lbs 1oz and 17.75in...He was perfect and beautiful! Thank you Jesus for getting me through the hardest and probably the scariest time in my life! And for my sweet little boy! :)


  1. You are such a studly momma! I still can't believe you did it with no pain meds! You rock! And you rock for pushing through the rough days of Breast Feeding! You are seriously sooooo amazing! Love ya!

  2. I was never able to hear the story before we left. So cool to read it! God is good! :)
