Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Justus Michael...9 Months Old!!!

Happy 9 Months Justus!!!!
What a beautiful time of year...FALL! I love it! You have officially seen all 4 seasons! Time is going by so so fast, I can't even believe it! I am so sad, and want to pause and rewind the time, yet I am so blessed and filled with joy by you! I am so proud of you and so excited to see you learning and growing!

Some things you have been doing...

~You get around by your sweet little "army crawl" 
Today, I was eating my lunch and you scooted all the way across the living room, and under the table to get to my feet! :)
~You can sit your self up 
Last week I laid you on your tummy, and a few moments later I looked at you, and you were sitting up!
~You pull your self up to stand in your crib
Dad put you down this past weekend for a nap. Things were quiet, and he just went in to check on you, figuring you were sleeping.  But no...he walked in to you standing up! Out came the wrenches, and down went your mattress! :)
~You have a sweet "fake laugh"
~You love your home-made baby food...especially peaches
~You still don't have any teeth! :) 
~The past few nights, you have only woken up once
~You love when both mom and dad play with you 
~You love walks
~You like flicking door stops, turning our stereo knobs, and exploring the house
~You do a cute "sharp tongue" face
~You like to flex your huge muscles
~When you get excited, you wrinkle up your nose and breath through your nostrils really fast!

I started this post in the morning...since then...

  ~You have learned to crawl on your knees!
I was getting my hair done, and dad witnessed you "crawling" for the first time
~Dad also taught you how to Scream with excitement!

You are getting more and more fun by the day! 

Fun Fall Pics...

9 Month Birthday Pics...

"Yeah...I'm big!"

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