Thursday, August 29, 2013

Sweet Little Adrielle (Part 1)

Life has come like a whirlwind!!!! I'm never going to be able to catch up on everything, but I wanted to dedicate some blog time to my sweet Adrielle.

You will be 10 months old in 3 days!!! I just can't even believe it. My baby girl is already almost 1!!! You are such a little joy! Unlike your passive brother, you sure have a little spit-fire personality. Even though you have some attitude, you are still so so sweet! You are a fun little social girl who loves to smile. Your "whole face" smile is contagious, and you have your daddy's beautiful blue speckled eyes!!!

Here are some milestone dates that I want to remember:

~Rolled from tummy to back sometime in January 13'
~Said Mama for the first time on 5/16/13. I came in to tell you good night and you got all excited and said "Mama." Melted my heart for sure!!!!
~Rolled from back to tummy on 5/24/13
~You were having a blast spitting bubbles on 5/24/13 while we camped at boulder basin (1st camping trip)
~Sat up in your crib all by yourself on 8/2/13.  I went in to feed you in the middle of the night and you were sitting up crying. So so cute, big girl!
~Got your first tooth (Bottom Right) on 8/3/13. You had a super hard night during the Scarlet Threads Sale, and woke up the next morning to a tooth!
~You ate real people food (purple carrots) for the first time on 8/6/13
~Got your 2nd tooth (Bottom Left) on 8/18
~Lastly, you started to crawl on 8/19/13. You just keep getting better and better each day!!!

You LOVE your butterfly mimi and your pa (pacifier), you can even find your pa and put in in your mouth all by your self! Adding to your food list, you have also had avocado, kale, and sweet potato. You LOVE LOVE food! You also LOVE your brother Justus! You always give him big smiles when you wake up!

I love you my sweet little Adrielle! I pray that you would grow up to love Jesus and He would use your attitude for His glory. I pray that He would use your sweet social personality to bring many others into His kingdom, and that you will always love Jesus and put Him first in your life. I also pray that I could be a godly mom and wife for you to look up to!

Love you baby girl!!!
Adrielle at 15 days old Diane Loveless Photography 


Whole face smile

March Madness Time with Daddy

Easter 2013

Adrielle 6 Months 

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