Friday, August 30, 2013

10 Years Strong!!!

Today is Mine and Nick's 10 year anniversary!!! I can't even believe it's been that long! Life is NUTS!!! Nicolas David are the best thing (besides Jesus) that has happened to me!!! In these 10 years, we have gone through lots of good times, some sad times, hard times, crazy times (yes, the time you really did go "crazy"), and fun times. I wouldn't change a thing about my life with you, you make my heart smile! Thank you for who you are and all you do for me and our family! I love you with my whole heart!!!! Went on a trip down memory lane and found some old pics...

Remember the time...

We went to Jump Rope for Heart at Castle Park? Crushed you you now!!!!

We fell asleep on the couch when you came to visit in Oregon...Then we all had our "bonding times" 

We hung out all summer of 98'...I taught you how to braid my hair! 

Then you taught me how to "shuv-it" on a skateboard

We went "training", "trash canning" & 'star gazing" stole my heart (again)

We posed for a pic and it looked like you were grabbing my chest! Ha!

We may or may not have been dating other people when we hung out and dreamed of our future together ;)

You used to call me Darlin'...oh wait, you still do! ;)

We got passes to Disneyland Summer of 2002

...and realized we were in love

We went to Disneyland more!!!

...And More Disneyland

We went to Goltry Oklahoma, climbed the water tower, and snagged a kiss

We hung out at baseball games

...Dont remember this one either, but we are pretty cute! ;)

We had BBQ's in your parents backyard w/you wearing the apron you made your mom in 7th grade

You came to Oregon, Packed Up a U-haul, and moved me out to Cali. Only took the entire trip for you to ask my daddy if you could marry me! Lol! Thank you for braving up and doing that!

We said..."I Do" in your parents back yard August 30th 2003, with Pastor Jim 

We had to dodge dog dung for this pic

...Dang we kiss good! 

We had some pretty bomb food at our wedding

We were soooo Happy to be hitched!

We went to a "Married Couples Luau" our first year of marriage

We served on mision trips to Mexico...with Pastor Jim

We went to Bible study with the Hard Core Kids

We took pics at the UofR so our Friend Diane could get some photography practice for school

...Diane Loveless Photography is now our family photographer and best friend!!!

We were in our "Best Friends" (Mike & Jannae's) wedding? 

We rode our bikes to the beach with P. Jim and the College Group...

you made me wear a helmet...worst day of my life! 

We took family pics in your parents backyard

We went to Hollywood to see Pirates of the Caribbean...still have my heart!

We went on our "Babymoon" to Kauai

That time 3 years ago when we thought we were going to a formal backyard dinner with all our friends (you decided to embarrass me and wear a 1970's baby blue suit), but instead it was a surprise wedding with all our closest friends...complete with Pastor Jim, vows, invitations, food, flowers, the vegan cake I never got to try at our actual wedding! Our friends are the best.  Hoping to do a whole blog on that soon!

We became Parents to Justus Michael on January 12, 2011

We became Parents again to Adrielle Rose on November 1, 2012

We had 2 perfect beautiful Children

Finally after 10 years and 2 kids, got Disneyland Passes again

We went to Disneyland like every Sunday in 2013

Thank you Diane Loveless Photography!!! 

We went back to Disneyland for the 1st time alone...STILL in love with you and LOVE kissing your face!

Happy 10 years Nicolas David!!! Praying our next 10 are filled with even More love, More Jesus, and Not too many wrinkles! Let's live life to the fullest cause' I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing!


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