Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Camping Trip...Father's Day Weekend 2011

Nick put a little camping trip together for us and some of our best friends and their kids. We went up to a place called "Boulder Basin" up in the Idyllwild Mts., and got our favorite spot.  Justus did amazing! It was colder than I had thought, so the first night,  I doubled up J's pj's. Moments later, he exploded his diaper dirtying both jammies! Yeah Sick!  He knew what he was doing though...he got to sleep between Mom and Dad in our sleeping bags! :)  Loved cuddling him...wouldn't have changed a thing! :)  We had a really good time and are already looking forward to our next annual "Friends Camp Out."  Hopefully more of our  friends can make it next year and we can raise a camping riot! :)

Eden playing her #1 hit "Heart"

Sawyer is such a little boy...loved the dirt and climbing the rocks

My sweet boy being so good, but probably wishing he could get out & play

Leslie and cute Madison

The Homies-
Uncle Connor and Justus

Went on a hike up to a fire look out! My men are so so handsome!

Thompson's striking a pose

Hiking wore him out! :)

Sawyer loving on baby "J"

All the mama's trying to keep the kiddos occupied up on the fire look out, while the boys enjoy the view!

Eden the Ham! Love her!

Some serious "Horse Shoe" playing

Leslie and all her "Stud-Mom-Ness" Brought a few activities for the kids...a egg hunt being one of them! 

Justus and Madison being stroller buddies

Tom brought his guitar and led some nice worship

John enjoying roasting one huge marsh mellow!

Nick loving him some Smore's

Connor  preaching from his flaming stump :)

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