Monday, August 29, 2011

Catch Up!!!

Ok, It's gonna be a long one! Here is a bit of what we have been up to the last month or so...

On July 30th, we went for a little hike up the San Bernardino Peak Trail.  We only went up about a mile or two, but it was a good time! Justus slept all the way up. He loves his REI hiker pack! The weather was teased us on the way up with thunder, but no rain.  On the way down we were blessed with some sweet light showers! Love summer rain!!! Justus involved himself in mine and Nick's conversation pretty much the whole way down! So cute! He just started saying "da da da da" :)

Justus love's things that make him feel like a "big boy..." brushing his gums being one of those things. :)

We went back to Arizona the 2nd week in August to visit my parents again...Justus did good and we had a great time!  We rode, we wake-boarded,  we boated, and we relaxed.  Justus hates his life vest, but he loves the boat! He had fun playing with grandma, listening to dad and grandpa play music, and taking a ride with mom and ronnie in the razor! :)

On August 20th We and several of our friends and their kids all went to the beach! It was Justus' first beach trip. He had a good time. He slept for a long time, played with his buddy Elliot, played and ate the sand, and even got a little wet! Thank you Leslie for getting this little trip together!  We ended our day with Rubio's and some Cold Stone...YUM! :)  Justus, you slept amazing that night! Thank You baby...I needed that! 

Justus playing in the back yard with daddy. Nick is so so good with him...Best dad ever! :)

This month was a lot of firsts for Baby J.  First Razor ride, 1st beach trip...and now his 1st time eating solids, and his 1st hair cut!  My boy is getting so so big!  
We gave him home-made sweet potatoes...He loved it.  That was friday the 26th, and now every day since then, he will not eat the sweet potatoes anymore!  He keeps it in the pocket of his mouth then spits it out with a sickning face! :) It's pretty hilarious! 

His first haircut was also on August 26th. Daddy played barber and cut his little "rat tail" :) My handsome little man!!!! It may look as if he was...but he was NOT harmed during this haircut! :)

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