Monday, August 29, 2011

7 Months

Wow! I've really blown it blogging! We have lot's to catch up on!!! Today you are 7 months and 17 days...Here are some things you have been up to...

You sit up like a stud
You can roll from your tummy to your back both ways
You rolled from your back to your tummy a couple times, but you hate being on your tummy!
You say "Da Da Da Da..."
You are getting so so fun!
When you are done or just need a break from eating, you lean back and talk...da da da! :) So cute!
You are ticklish! You giggle when I tickle the back of your neck
You love sleeping on your side
You still don't sleep through the night...You have been waking up twice...if I'm lucky, only once!
You ate solids (home-made sweet potatoes) for the first time on Aug. 26th...You LOVED it!
You tip your toy box, and get out the toys you want!
You lunge forward for things, and it looks like you want to be mobile so so bad!...It won't be long!!!

Justus are so stinkin' cute and we love you to bits!!!!

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