Monday, April 23, 2012

Easter 2012

This Resurrection Sunday, we got up early and went to the sunrise service at the Packinghouse. We were late and missed worship, and with the little kiddo, I was distracted and don't even remember the sermon. Justus was amazing, I just couldn't focus. :( After church we went to the Goltry's and had an Amazing breakfast with homemade pancakes, fruit, bacon, sausage, and eggs! YUM! :) While Justus took a nap, we played some canasta. I am usually not into the whole "easter basket" thing...but once you have a sweet baby, things change! I was so excited to do a basket for Justus! His basket included: a cross I made out of pipe cleaners, a snack cup full of puffs and dried fruit, bubbles, and a mini "etch a sketch."  Some of my best memories of Nick and I when we were little, were doing easter egg hunts together, so, of course, I had to do an egg hunt for Justus! He did good! He found his eggs and put them in his basket...all was going as planned, until he found the egg in the fountain! After that, every egg he found, he wanted to put it into the water fountain! :) I think I had more fun watching him, then he had finding the eggs! Overall it was a fun day!
Thank you Jesus, for who you are, and the heavy price you paid for me! Thank you for not stopping there. Thank you for Rising again and giving me Hope!!!!

Was drooling as he spotted his "snack" :)

Gami with bubbles. The worst bubbles ever!!! LOL!

Egg Hunt

Yes...that is a "Vador Egg!" He also had football and camo eggs too! :)

Did his eggs have candy? NOPE! I filled them with sensory objects! :) hehe

Playing with his eggs and uncle Aaron


Loves his Daddy!!!!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Life Long Friends

A couple of weeks ago, one of my best friends from high school, Jessica, and her hubby, Cody, came out for a visit!!! They are the type of friends that you can go a couple of years with out seeing, then when you get together, it's like you were never apart! No entertaining is needed, conversations are easy, and if you don't want to talk, you don't have to, and you know everything is still ok. :) They are also one of those couples that both spouses get along with effortlessly! That is kind of hard to find! We love you Jess, but thanks for adding Cody to your life!!!! :) We had a blast! Despite the lack of pictures, we did a lot! Plenty of relaxing...mostly enjoying the sun and the nice weather (Oregon is lacking in that area this time of the year). The boys golfed, while us girls shopped. We ate some serious grub! We saw probably the best show of all time in my book...Needtobreathe with Ben Rector. The show was at club Nokia in LA, and was pretty much amazing! And... homemade "thin mint" popcorn and scrabble were also pretty stellar!  
So glad God has blessed us with these "Life Long Friends..." We love you Conlees!  

Friday, April 6, 2012

This Is My Prayer...May I never loose the Wonder!

The Wonder Of The Cross
O precious sight, my Savior stands,
Dying for me with outstretched hands.
O precious sight, I love to gaze,
Remembering salvation’s day,
Remembering salvation’s day.
Though my eyes linger on this scene,
May passing time and years not steal
The power with which it impacts me,
The freshness of its mystery,
The freshness of its mystery.

May I never lose the wonder,
The wonder of the cross.
May I see it like the first time
Standing as a sinner lost,
Undone by mercy and left speechless,
Watching wide eyed at the cost.
May I never lose the wonder,
The wonder of the cross.

Behold the God-man crucified,
The perfect sinless sacrifice.
As blood ran down those nails and wood,
History was split in two, yes,
History was split in two.
Behold the empty wooden tree,
His body gone, alive and free.
We sing with everlasting joy,
For sin and death have been destroyed, yes,
Sin and death have been destroyed.

May I never lose the wonder,
The wonder of the cross.
May I see it like the first time
Standing as a sinner lost,
Undone by mercy and left speechless,
Watching wide eyed at the cost.
May I never lose the wonder,
The wonder of the cross.

May I never lose the wonder,
The wonder of the cross.
May I see it like the first time
Standing as a sinner lost,
Undone by mercy and left speechless,
Watching wide eyed at the cost.
May I never lose the wonder,
The wonder of the cross.

Words and Music by Vicky Beeching

Happy Good Friday! Thank You Jesus!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Craft Time!

So, back in January I was really excited to start doing crafts with Justus. I went out and bought...paint, chalk, pipe cleaners, beads...  My first craft, idea from Leslie DeYoung, was finger painting in a bag. Justus was not so much into it. He was more interested in ripping the bag and tape off the floor. Then when I put it on the window for him to look at and play with later, he just wanted to rip it down. Ouch! :( Then we tried sidewalk chalk...another fail...he just wanted to eat or throw the chalk! I then tried the pipe cleaners and a strainer (idea from pinterest) That was ok...he liked it for a few seconds. :) My favorite, (another pinterest idea) was to get a water bottle, and fill it with little objects: paperclips, beads, rocks, ribbon, ect. Fill with water and glue on the lid! It was so easy and Justus loved it! The only hard part was getting everything ready with Justus around. Next time, I will already have all the items laid out for him.

Craft Success #1

Ok, I helped a little bit! :)
Craft Success #2

Ignore My Filthy Table 

He Got Pretty Frustrated at The End When This Big Blue Pom Pom Wouldn't Fit!
Sorry Buddy, My Bad! :(

All Finished! 
And He Still Gets It Out and Shakes It Every Now and Then

Justus Michael...Almost 15months old!

Just gonna write down some things we want to remember!!!!

You are starting to understand and vocalize words...wawa (water), mumu (music), papa (grandpa), ha (hot), mo (more), ba (ball), mama and dada of course, and the other day we were trying to get you to say DiDi for Diane... you said dada. Close enough! :)
You love music and love to dance!!!...
Your Favorite Tunes include... Needtobreathe (The Reckoning), Michael Jackson (Thriller), and "praise Jesus" worship songs.
You can bust a move! Your trademark moves include... going up and down on your toes, squats, and spinning in a circle with one arm out in a "hook shot" position!
You like to turn on the record player and turn up the beat all by yourself
You also like listening to hip hop on Dad's take his phone walk around yelling and pumping your arms.
You walk like a champ and even run when you are excited
You are pretty much vegan, except for eggs (only organic from the Goltry farm though)
Your diet fruits and veggies, quinoa, beans, homemade whole wheat bread and cornbread muffins, homemade whole wheat pancakes, soups, spaghetti, chili, brown rice, and baked sweet potatoes. Most everything we give you is organic, and you have never had refined sugar!!!! One day I hope I can be as healthy as you!!!!
You love love fruit! Gami discovered that you love lemons. She gave one to you right off the tree and you went to town! Didn't even make a sour face!
You still use your sign language... please, more, all done, and thank you
When I ask you to show me your "loves," you try to make a heart with your sweet!
When it's time to pray, you fold your hands
You love anything that makes you feel "bigger"... a glass cup, utensils, my shoes...ect.
You blow sweet kisses
When it's time to take a nap, I lay you sit up and blow me kisses
If we leave you in your crib too long after a nap, you get mad and throw out your monkey and all your blankets.
You love your big huge stuffed dog from Ronnie and Vickie. You will run up to it with arms wide open, a huge smile, and fall on it
You love being outside
You eat like a little chipmunk...usually its with apples and pears, but you stuff your cheek full and refuse to chew. You just keep shoving more and more in, until you have to hold them from falling out with your finger! Weirdo!
When we ask you where Jesus point to your heart!
We started "cloth diapering" sometime in Feb. It has been ok
You know almost every major body part
You go down for the night between 6:30 and 8, depending on your day, and sleep until 6:30 or 7am
You show me "gentle" by softly brushing your cheek
You like helping me dust
You are my "Friday Yard Sale Buddy" are pretty much a champ, as long as I give you some snack! :)

Outside Boy

Yard Sale Snackage...Gami's Bread. He went to town! Trying to drink it...crazy boy!

Loves his "Cornerstone" approved lawn mower from Uncle Aaron

Our Cloth Diaper Adventure

Pear Cheeks

Park with Daddy

Loves His Doggies...

Helping Me Dust

Dinner...Noodles, Spinach, Squash, and some Organic Spaghetti Sauce. A Hit!

On a Walk

Fun With His Garden Cart

Outside Boy

Cornbread Muffin...YUM!!!

Arizona February 2012

In February, we took a short trip out to AZ to see my parents. We mostly just chilled and visited. It's always nice to get away, get some good grub, and see Grandma and Grandpa Grib. Justus had fun playing outside with the rocks and Rocking out in Grandpa's music room.  Poor Grandma Grib usually has to work when we are visiting, so she didn't make it into any pics. :( A highlight of this trip is that my parents found a Church!!! We went and checked it out and loved it...afterwards we grubbed on some good Mexican food! On the way back we stopped at sonic burger. The food is just ok, nothing like In N Out, but I think that will be our new tradition when we go and see Grandma and Grandpa Grib in AZ!!!

Who Needs a Wagon In Bullhead City?

Wheel Barrel Fun

Playing With Rocks With Grandpa

Playing With Snakes...


Rocker Room

El Palacios....YUM!!!

Our Stop At Sonic

Waving To All The Cars

Windshield Kisses