Saturday, April 7, 2012

Life Long Friends

A couple of weeks ago, one of my best friends from high school, Jessica, and her hubby, Cody, came out for a visit!!! They are the type of friends that you can go a couple of years with out seeing, then when you get together, it's like you were never apart! No entertaining is needed, conversations are easy, and if you don't want to talk, you don't have to, and you know everything is still ok. :) They are also one of those couples that both spouses get along with effortlessly! That is kind of hard to find! We love you Jess, but thanks for adding Cody to your life!!!! :) We had a blast! Despite the lack of pictures, we did a lot! Plenty of relaxing...mostly enjoying the sun and the nice weather (Oregon is lacking in that area this time of the year). The boys golfed, while us girls shopped. We ate some serious grub! We saw probably the best show of all time in my book...Needtobreathe with Ben Rector. The show was at club Nokia in LA, and was pretty much amazing! And... homemade "thin mint" popcorn and scrabble were also pretty stellar!  
So glad God has blessed us with these "Life Long Friends..." We love you Conlees!  

1 comment:

  1. This post pretty much made me cry! Seriously. You guys are GEMS-- a wonderful gift from God! We love you three and can't wait until next time. We enjoyed every moment and couldn't agree more about our visits always being effortless and more like family than friends. BIG HUGS!!!
