Tuesday, January 24, 2012

1st Birthday

We had a fun little 1st birthday. I usually work on Thursdays, but I worked wednesday instead so I wouldn't miss being with my sweet boy! And drum roll please!!!!......Nick surprised us and took the day off work! :) Unheard of right? I know! Thursday, January 12, 2012, Nick Goltry took a day off work! (His wife was not having a baby, and he was not sick or crazy!) He took the day off for his son's 1st birthday! Justus...I want you to know how stinkin' special you are!!! Anyway, Nick did have a game to coach, so we stayed at home and had a nice morning. We did take Justus up to the park, but he started getting tired, and there was a really obnoxious girl there, so we hung out for just a while then went home.
Justus...at 2:53pm (the time you were born), a year later, I got to hold, cuddle, and pray with you! So special! Love you so much and I'm so thankful for you!

Thank You Lord, for allowing us to take care of Justus for You! May we bring him up in a way that is pleasing to You!

Nick and I got Justus a toy Pirate Ship. He loves the canon on it!!!

Playing with his work bench from Jean Fowke. Loves it!!!

Park time

Loved the swing...for a little bit, then he looked like he was sick! :)

Cute little snaggle tooth!

Loves picking the bark off trees, and trying to put it back on!

My two faves!

Loves him some dirt and bark!

Our Blessed Family of 3


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