Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Justus Michael at 1 Year Old!

Wow! I know I keep saying this, but time is just going by so so quick!!! Pretty sure this has been the fastest year of my life! I can't even believe we have a 1year old! Sniff Sniff!

Justus...here are all your "tricks" :) (Like you are my circus clown or something!)

~You took your 1st steps on January 2nd, 2012. Since then, you are getting more comfortable, and can pretty much cruise around the whole house. You just need a piece of furniture or a wall to help you back up when you fall.
~You know what the cow says (you say...mmm), and what the lion says (you put out your tongue when you growl) :) Just the other day you meowed a couple times too! You don't  always perform when I ask you though!
~Yesterday when I showed you a fish in your book, you sucked your cheeks in! So smart!!!
~You can show us your hair, feet, nose, teeth, tongue, hands and...your little "man part"
~You sign, "more", "please", and "all done" Sometimes you get them confused, but you get your point across! So funny!
~You point to everything and sign "please" You are so interested in learning and studying things. Dad was messing around last night snapping his fingers. You watched him close, and started trying to snap yours!
~You have been doing the "itsy bitsy spider" motion with your hands for a while now
~You have 4 teeth! Your top right one came in a few days before your birthday, then your top left tooth after your birthday.
~You are a smart little stinker...The other day you were ready to be done eating, and wanted to get out of your highchair, but hadn't eaten all your veggies yet.  I told you you had to eat all your veggies 1st, then you could get out. A few moments later, you were waving "all done" I looked at all your veggies were gone! They were all stuffed in your mouth! Haha! Made me laugh! I kept my word and got you out! You went and played with your mouth full of vegetables, and ended up eating them all! :)
~We took away your "Pa" around Christmas time, and you have done amazing! Haven't needed it since!
~You like your "Nesting Blocks" and love trying to figure out how to put lids on things.
~You LOVE your Praise Baby DVD. You will watch it and lift your hands and sing! When we ask you to "praise Jesus" you lift your hands and sing. You also did this when Grandpa Grib was out and played his guitar for you. So precious! :)

Love you and so Proud of you! It's amazing watching you grow and learn!

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