Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Grandma and Grandpa Grib Visit/Birthday Prep

My parents came out for Justus's birthday party a day early to hang out and help out. So so blessed to have them here. My mom helped me out so much, and my dad was the babysitter. He was amazing. Justus loved loved playing with Grandpa Grib. When they first got here. Justus wasn't sure about them, within just a couple of minutes, he was pointing to both of them and signing "please" :) So sweet! Mom saved my day, when I burned out my popcorn machine the day of the party... She fixed it. :) Then, when I messed up the "Zebra" popcorn recipe...she did some "mom" thing and fixed that too! It came out yummy! Thank you mom and dad for helping with Justus and everything else. So blessed!

Just getting ready for his "Rager" :)

Grandpa Grib time!

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